The Erudite Judgements of the Supreme Court (EJSC), published by Legal Jurisprudence Limited emerged under the editorship of Isaac Ogbah, Esq. In January 2015 Its mission is to provide the legal community up to date supreme court Judgments and to support legal research and study needs of students, faculty and staff of various Nigeria Universities and law schools as well as other professional bodies.
It's a qualitative and timely publication with skilled and permanent staff in all sectors of its reporting, editorial, production and distribution. EJSC's vision is to promote the doctrine of precedents and the rule of law for legal practitioners, scholars and laymen alike. The report is sorted by volume, and with the passion and interest of the Editor-in-Chief for careful planning towards sustainability, there is no doubt the number of volumes will increase overtime.
A citation of Erudite Judgements of the Supreme Court (EJSC) with its volume- based classification looks like this: (2015) EJSC (Vol. 2) 1 - "2015" - (which corresponds to year of publication), Erudite Judgements of the Supreme Court (name of reporter or law report), "2" (refer to the volume) and "1" (assigned page number ).
A fuller citation will look like this: British Airways v. Atoyebi (2015) EJSC (Vol.2) 137. The report does not focus on any particular area of law but restricts itself to the publication of Supreme Court Judgements and Rulings. It has a provision (which is considered to be a unique innovation) for Positional Statement, the first of its kind which is a position paper that provides timely treatment of significant development in law through articles to be contributed by judges, leading scholars and legal practitioners. The Positional paper is for every conceivable legal topic.
Erudite Judgements of the Supreme Court (EJSC) is being published Bi-weekly, and is recognized for its most accurate reporting and unique highlighting feature to make the judgements easy to understand.
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